Microsoft SQL Hosting

Affordable dedicated SQL database hosting with no limits on the number of databases or users created.

  • MsSQL 2019 & 2022 Express
  • Disaster recovery backups
  • Enterprise SSD storage
  • 60 Day money back

MsSQL hosting without the enterprise costs

Experience simplified Microsoft SQL hosting with our robust, high-performance solution. Instantly ready for your database upload via SQL Management Studio, our hosting includes full SA-level access and supports SQL Server 2019 and 2022. With solid-state drives for faster performance, disaster recovery backups for security, and a 60-day money-back guarantee, our SQL hosting is designed to keep your databases secure, accessible, and easy to manage.

Yearly 2 Months Free

SQL 2019

Quick look at all the features
  • 20GB SSD Storage*
  • Unlimited Databases
  • SA level access to your databases
  • MsSQL 2019 Express
  • Restore .BAK files

SQL 2022

Quick look at all the features
  • 20GB SSD Storage*
  • Unlimited Databases
  • SA level access to your databases
  • MsSQL 2022 Express
  • Restore .BAK files
* Disk charges past the defined included amount charged at £0.21 per 1GB per month

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find the answers below, contact one to our of our friendly team

You will be allocated a custom port number with a host/IP address to use when connecting to your hosted database.

We have created a how-to guide on creating your own SQL backup which includes both the schema and data.

Yes, the SQL service we provide will work just like any other database hosting, you will provide the IP/Host, username and password into your applications config to connect.

Yes, you will have full SA level access to your database to manage it as you please, it will work exactly the same as your local development SQL service.

Carbon Negative Hosting

Using the latest technology and partnering with other green companies makes all the difference in helping our environment. By signing up to our hosting services you will be hosted in our green data centres and support planting of trees to offset our carbon footprint.

Learn about our Green Hosting Our Environment
Green Hosting